Thread: canadian pond
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Old 24-09-2006, 11:52 PM posted to rec.ponds
sue sue is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 5
Default canadian pond

Thanks,I have been looking on the internet and there are lots of new pond
de-icers specific to ponds that run less money.I was going to try
one.Winters here can be brutal and I want to do everything possible for my
fish,and that means domed with plastic ,styrofoam with old pump bubbling and

"sue" wrote in message
I live in Saskatchewan ,Canada and the winters are very cold here.I
mean -20 to -30 c on average .I have been putting my large koi inside in
the past but now they are too big.My pond is apr 600 -750 gal with 2 1/2
feet at the deepest and I would like to try a de icer.Anyone out there in
cold canada that has tried this please help,thanks.