Agway fertilizer and Scotts broadcast spreader - what setting???
"Joe" wrote in message
I bought a big bag of Agway Organic lawn fertilizer and bought a Scotts
Standard Broadcast Spreader. On the back of the bag they list the
settings for every brand of spreader except Scotts. Does anyone know
how I can find out the proper setting for this fertilizer using the
Scotts spreader?
Usually the settings are 1-5, find a listing for a similar type spreader on
the bag, and match it up to what % opening the spreader is. Then match that
up with your spreader.
It's not an exact science. Even with the same setting 2 different people
will get 2 different coverage rates, based on the speed at which they walk.
I usually start with the smallest or second smallest setting, then see if it
works for me, no matter what the bag recommends.