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Old 21-09-2006, 03:45 PM posted to triangle.gardens
Siouxzi Siouxzi is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 6
Default Little Black Ants, Again & Again

On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 21:56:29 GMT, Derek Mark Edding

The last thing that worked was a liquid Ant Bait called Terro. It
seemed great because you just put a drop of it where they can find it,
and they hungrily slurp it up.

Unfortunately, it doesn't stop them from coming anymore. So either it's
killing them and there's an endless supply of ants, or it's only making
them stronger these days.

Sadly that's been my experience too. Terro only works on the little
black "sweet ants" for one thing. And yes, they crowd around the drops
of Terro like thirsty critters at a desert watering hole. I kept
putting out more Terro as the crowds increased, and they'd suck it up
for days, then stand around looking dazed. Then they started to
dwindle... and dwindle. Supposedly they feed the regurgitated poison
to the other ants, and it is supposed to eventually kill the colony. I
kept putting out the terro. Then, just when I thought I had the
problem solved, they started came back.

My theory is that there were a few out of those tens of thousands of
ants in the colony that had resistance to the poison. They
survived--maybe one made it to Queenhood in case the dead queen needed
replacing. Then they started all over again.

But there's not nearly as many now. Let's see what happens next
