On 2006-09-20, E Gregory wrote:
I missed the original post, so this may not be peritinent to it, but
seems pertinent to the thread in general. Combining sugar and yeast and
putting out for the ants to eat is supposed to blow them up when the
yeast starts to grow! Have not tried this but I like the idea.
Bread has yeast in it and sugar. Never saw an ant die from eating
Aspartame is harmful to folks with PKU, but I cannot see how anything a
human would consume would be harmful to ants unless it was beer and they
marymind wrote:
Derek Mark Edding wrote:
marymind wrote:
Hi, Derek,
Same problem at my house. A friend recently sent me this article and
I'm going to try it.......................
Good Luck!
Got an Ant Problem? Use Aspartame
Hi Marymind,
The blogger Dr. Joseph Mercola, along with his readers, has been spoofed:
Humorous stuff though!
Hi, Derek,
This article is even MORE encouraging............lol
Thanks for the updated info.
Wes Dukes (wdukes.pobox@com) Swap the . and the @ to email me please.
is a garbage address.