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Old 21-09-2006, 01:30 AM posted to triangle.gardens
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 54
Default Little Black Ants, Again & Again

On 2006-09-19, Derek Mark Edding wrote:
All this will cost you say 50 bucks at most. If it does not work then
maybe you will have to go the route of encasing the house.

Good luck.

What is involved in encasing the house?

I just told you all I know about that. :-)

I do know that would be the last resort that I would try. I think
Professionals have better methods.

One of my relatives in a different state also has an ant problem at her
house. She paid a pest control company close to three grand to have
them dig a trench completely around their house, and install some sort
of pesticide barricade.

I wish they had talked to me first because it seems just as likely the
ants are living somewhere within the perimeter of the house. They still
have them inside after this treatment. Now the same company wants to go
through the crawl spaces and attic, doing the same kind of spraying
you're describing for additional $$$.

It sounds like robbery to me, but my relative has been using this
company for a couple of decades and trusts them far too much.


Wes Dukes (wdukes.pobox@com) Swap the . and the @ to email me please.

is a garbage address.