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Old 20-09-2006, 05:47 PM posted to triangle.gardens
marymind marymind is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 2
Default Little Black Ants, Again & Again

Hi, Derek,
Same problem at my house. A friend recently sent me this article and
I'm going to try it.......................
Good Luck!

Got an Ant Problem? Use Aspartame

Derek Mark Edding wrote:

Hi Folks,

They're back, and they keep coming. Into our kitchen. We've been
waging war on them for eleven years and counting. This year the ants
are winning big.

We've eliminated every food source but our dishwasher, which they get
into regardless how closed it is. So we either need to wash every dish
the moment we're done using it, or watch a small parade of critters
going by every day. Even if there's nothing in the dishwasher, they're
always scouting around for overlooked crumbs or drips.

The last thing that worked was a liquid Ant Bait called Terro. It
seemed great because you just put a drop of it where they can find it,
and they hungrily slurp it up.

Unfortunately, it doesn't stop them from coming anymore. So either it's
killing them and there's an endless supply of ants, or it's only making
them stronger these days.

The plastic ant bait traps aren't having any effect. We've bought all
of the latest ones by Raid, Black Flag, Combat, etc. - they just walk
right past, don't even hesitate. I even tried putting little drops of
honey inside to lure them in - no sale. Jelly didn't work either.

Spreading boric acid powder around makes it look like you've taken up an
expensive hobby in the kitchen, but doesn't deter the ants. I don't see
them walking through it, but they always find a way around.

Sealing up the holes they come through no longer works. They come in
from the gap underneath our cabinets. I've wandered all through our
crawl space with a flashlight, but did not see any ant trails nor
anthills. I've looked all around the outside of the foundation and
didn't see them. Maybe they're inside the walls, I've got no clue.

I also spread some pesticide around the foundation of our house inside
and out using a hand spreader. It was a granular mix for ants and
termites. Used twice the recommended amount. This didn't faze them.

I can't think of anything else to try, other than calling some dude that
has a big plastic bug on his car roof to come out here and spray a lot.
Anyone know something that works, that I've overlooked?

