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Old 15-09-2006, 05:48 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
La Puce La Puce is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,423
Default Plants for home security

Uncle Marvo wrote:
That is the best English I have ever seen from a foreigner :-)

Merci )

I told myself that until some wag decided to nick a caravan in which were a
couple of photos, the subject of one of which was my second eldest daughter
who died of cancer two years ago, and can't be replaced.
I would like to inflict injuries on the scrote that did it. Injuries that
you can't begin to imagine, and over a very long period.

Yes - it did occur to me that sentimental possessions such as the one
you describe can never be replaced and I am very sorry to have brought
up the thought of such a sad time for you. It was, as I mentioned, a
not too clever reasoning - but sadly, and in this crazy world, I try
not to burden myself with extra worries, especially when I go on
holidays and live my house behind.