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Old 04-09-2006, 12:12 AM posted to rec.gardens
madgardener madgardener is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 230
Default Peone leaves turning black

kayla wrote:
My peone plants have black leaves or some have black spots on the
leaves. I don't remember the plants being this bad before. Anybody
have some answers for me.


you having a lot of rain where you're at? (and that's peony,) the black
spots sounds like Black spot or fungus that also attacks roses. This
late in the season, I'd just clip the leaves and completely remove them.
If there are a lot of them and you have time, spray with a fungicide and
remove any fallen leaves from underneath and dispose of the (no compost
pile for them, the landfill as the fungus will reproduce in your compost
pile and spread back)