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Old 29-08-2006, 03:57 AM posted to rec.gardens
paghat paghat is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 14
Default Bumble bees sleep in garden?

In article , "Ook" Ook
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I have hundreds of bumblebees in my garden, and they are gentle like honey
bees and love my sunflowers and squash. Good polinators. I have noticed that
in the evenings, a lot of them find a nice cozy leaf or flower and curl up
and spend the night there. In the morning, I have a bunch of sleeping bumble
bees all over the garden. According to wiki they have colonies, but I'm
guessing they do not always spend the night there? Anyone else ever see

Fat bumblebees on my lavenders work diligently until the sun goes down,
then go to sleep on the flower, & start up work as soon as the morning sun
reaches them again. The colonies are small and it's quite possible not all
the bees can fit all at once so some of them have no choice but to sleep
on flowers, but maybe it's just that they get "caught" in the chill of
evening. They're tame as can be, I sometimes pet them as they work.

-paghat the ratgirl
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