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Old 28-08-2006, 03:06 AM posted to
Eggs Zachtly Eggs Zachtly is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 846
Default Thuja Green Giant Screening Trees: Your Experience

Buster Chops said:

I'm interested in planting evergreens to provide privacy screening.
My row of Douglas Firs have been decimated by a fungus and need to
come down. I came across the Thuja Giant evergreen tree.

What's your experience with the tree?

First hand? None, but I know *of* the species.

Growth rate?

Wickedly fast. 3-5 feet per year.

Disease and Pest Resistance?

Disease, I'm not positive, but seem to remember reading that it was fairly
resistant. Deer and bagworms will leave it alone. That's a big plus.


If you like real skinny, real tall evergreens, then you'll like it. Not my
thing, though.

What are you trying to screen your property from? And, how close do you
plan to plant them? Do you really need something *that* tall as a "privacy
screen" (including the Doug Firs, heh)?

Also, please don't post in HTML when posting to the USENET. It's completely
unnecessary, and will quite possibly result in your posts not even being
read. Most users I know, block posters who post in HTML format. Many
thanks, and HTH.

-I know it sounds like I'm in denial, but I'm not.