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Old 27-08-2006, 10:57 PM posted to rec.gardens
JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Bumble bees sleep in garden?

"Ook" Ook Don't send me any freakin' spam at zootal dot com delete the
Don't send me any freakin' spam wrote in message
I have hundreds of bumblebees in my garden, and they are gentle like honey
bees and love my sunflowers and squash. Good polinators. I have noticed
that in the evenings, a lot of them find a nice cozy leaf or flower and
curl up and spend the night there. In the morning, I have a bunch of
sleeping bumble bees all over the garden. According to wiki they have
colonies, but I'm guessing they do not always spend the night there? Anyone
else ever see this?

I notice this when the nights are cooler, and I wonder if they run out of
energy & can't make it back to the hive. Just a guess, though.