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Old 13-08-2006, 10:00 PM posted to austin.gardening
Jangchub Jangchub is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 683
Default Fragrant ground cover between pavers

Sure, you can use Corsican mint. You will have to water it till it
develops a firm hold, so for the first season you'd have to water. It
self sows and is extremely fragrant, low growing with a pretty little

On Sun, 13 Aug 2006 19:16:00 GMT, harriswest

I just finished laying a limestone flag patio in the backyard.

This was done in sand; I excavated 8" down, put down a 6 mil plastic
barrier, three inches of crushed gravel and another three inches of sand
as a base for the flagstones. More sand was swept on top as filler.
It's quite attractive if I do say so myself! G

I'm looking for some sort of creeping ground cover that will establish
itself between the flagstones. In no particular order I'd like
something fragrant (either foliage or flowers), reasonably drouth and
winter hardy, will not object to a high sand and therefore rapid
draining substrate, low maintenance, ability to endure light foot
traffic, and ability to tolerate a couple of hours of full sun in the
later afternoon but dappled sun / shade during the rest of the day.

I'd appreciate any ideas, suggestions and sources.
