11-08-2006, 07:56 PM
posted to sci.bio.botany
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,811
Plants that absorb harmful elements/toxins?
In message .com, Jeff
Hello all.
I'm a militant earthy-crunchy (seriously), but I'm not here to cause
political riff-raff.
I'm looking to compile a list of known seeds that will grow plants that
are able to absorb significant amounts of chemicals, pesticides, and
other well known harmful materials.
Could anyone give me pointers/URL's that would help in my research?
The environment where these plants will grow is central Massachusetts,
and yes, the plants need to be legal. ;-)
Any help greatly appreciated.
(There appears to be an International Journal of Phytoremediation.)
Stewart Robert Hinsley