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Old 10-08-2006, 04:44 PM posted to
Oren Oren is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 14
Default Bugs and Slugs - Fescue Lawn

On Wed, 9 Aug 2006 15:18:08 -0500, Eggs Zachtly
Kids call them "rolly pollys", aka pill bug, aka sow bug. They're actually
the wood louse (Porcellio scaber). They're also actually a terrestrial
crustacean, and not a "bug". They're found in damp areas, usually with some
sort of rotting vegetation or wood. If you've been over-watering, then
that's most likely the reason for their appearance. They're not really a
threat to your lawn, but they're easily controlled with a pesticide
specifically designed for crawling insects, but if the conditions remain
favorable to them, they'll return.

I guess as a kid, we also called them "rolly pollys", just never
really knew exactly what they were or if the would hurt the lawn. I'm
adjusting the water sprinklers and will monitor the lawn. In the
summer I cut the fescue long and shorter in the cooler months.

As for the
slugs; I will be after them, but in a desert I never had slugs before.

Again, watering conditions brought them about. They're most active at
night, so avoid watering in the evening. If they're only in certain areas,
you can bury a jar lid, upside down, even with the soil. Fill the lid with
beer, and they'll crawl in and drown. Not a bad way to go, if ya gotta go,
eh? =)

Either way, if you get your watering schedule under control, I doubt you'll
have either of these pests for long.


I hand picked a couple yesterday and was reading about slugs. They
don't need a mate to lay eggs, so as I reduce the water I will pay
close attention to the slugs...reduce moisture, etc....

We have watering restrictions right now between 11AM and 7 PM. I guess
watering at night is bad for the lawn, where I thought the water would
soak in better.

