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Old 08-08-2006, 11:27 PM posted to rec.gardens
FragileWarrior[_1_] FragileWarrior[_1_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 27
Default Jade plant spongy growth

"Danielle" wrote in

I have had a jade plant for about a year with no problems, and then all
of the sudden a brown growth started forming on the outer, younger
leafs. The growth starts on the edges and is slightly spongy. I can't
see any pests and was wondering if anyone knew what it was? I've cut
back the affected areas but it's still growing slowly. Also, there is a
white crust around the outer rim of the pot, I don't know if that's
Many thanks!

1. Jade trees grow slowly. I had one that was 35 years old and only
about 2-1/2' high.
2. It sounds like you are killing it with kindness. Stop watering it so
3. The white rim on the pot is salts from being watered too much. Change
the pot or scrub off the salts and stop watering it so much. You might
want to even take it out of the pot, gentle shake off the loose dirt and
replace it with fresh stuff. You'll get a good idea how wet the soil is
that way, too. If you keep overwatering it you will rot the main stems
and when that starts there's no stopping it.