Thread: Moles VS Voles
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Old 19-03-2003, 03:32 PM
Genevieve Tharp
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Default Moles VS Voles

"smitty48" wrote ...
I know that not everyone here will agree with my statement due to lack of
knowledge but Moles do not eat plants. VOLES eat plants. Moles are
Insectivores. their main diet is soil dwelling organisms such as grubs,
earthworms, and insect larva. If moles are just making tunnels in your

which looks unsightly to you, get over it!

The mole infestations in my area are so heavy that there may be 15 long
winding tracks in a 6 ft. square area ... you walk across yard and feel/hear
one squash in the tunnel from the weight of your foot. Try to walk in that
area after a heavy rain and it's like stomping and sliding thru a bog ...
and the soil erodes gradually off the hills. Try to mow that area and it'll
bounce you off the seat of the riding lawn mower. Moles will tear flower
bulbs to shreds getting all the grubs and larva around the bulbs and in
amongst their roots so it doesn't matter if they are insectivores or not as
the bulbs are gone.

Genevieve in Mississippi