Thread: Deer fence
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Old 03-08-2006, 02:47 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
KW KW is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 8
Default Deer fence

"AndyS" wrote in message

Dave wrote:
Ok, the deer are eating my okra and any tomato that gets pink. I guess
I need to do something. I've read that a 4 ft fence with some added
arms for and electric wire will work for deer. Anyone know of a good
description of this setup including how to make the arms? Thanks.

Andy writes:
I read this on another newsgroup and am posting it here as it seems
like a good idea. The OP had deer in a community garden and wanted
to know how to stop it. One of the replies was from a fellow that had
been told to do this:, or had tried it himself....

Put up an electric fence, single strand. Every 15 feet or so, hang
strip of tin foil. Coat the tin foil with peanut butter......

The deer smell the peanut butter, try to eat it, and get zapped on
ass. They then avoid the fence like the plague. It doesn't hurt them
any permanent way, but the fence may have to be fixed occasionally
the first time the deer try it they jump really high and may fall on
the wire...

The peanut butter is an attractions. Otherwise, they would simply
go under the fence and miss the point of the lesson.... There was no
indication of whether to use smooth or crunchy, but it seems a good way
to get rid of the smooth style that nobody except deer and mice

It seemed like a good idea and easy to implement. My particular
uhh, nemesae,are wild pigs... I think it might work on them also, and
will try it next spring...

Andy in Eureka, Texas

( If you have a singing fish mounted in at least three rooms
of your house, you might live in Eureka, Texas )

Yeah, but which Eureka, TX???....There's 3 of'em :-)

Also, well placed .243 works wonders at dissuading wild pigs, and deer for
that matter, from further crop damage.