what flowers attract hummingbirds that will start from seeds/bulbs ?
Tsu Dho Nimh wrote:
"Henry" wrote:
I am looking for suggestions on flowers that I can start from seed for my
kid's garden that will do a good job of attracting Hummingbirds. I live in
Central NY and I know we have them here as we have seen them at a neighbors
feeder and I think my kid would get a kick out of seeing them in his
garden. I have seen a number of flowers listed in catalogs that say they
will attract Hummingbirds but almost all are being sold as plants
Annual Salvias.
Cypress vine, a.k.a. cardinal climber
Trumpet vine (bignonia radicans); may well be the ultimate hummer magnet,
though can be invasive, sold only as plants.
Buddleia / butterfly bush; this one attracts everything. Seeds _are_
available (Burpees, I think), though plants are easier to find. Starts
well from cuttings stuck in water, which your kid might might enjoy trying.