GM and drugs
"Jeff Dean" wrote in message
Had an idea to put out here. There has been all this worry about GM crops
cross contaminating normal crops via pollen. What would happen if
was to modify opium or cocoa plants, so that they didn't produce the
narcotic compounds? Make them prolific pollen producers, and introduce
into the wild where these are cash crops. This could severely cut the
potency of these drugs, and thus reduce their cash value. This would have
strong impact on the flow of drugs and money into narcotrafficer and
terrorist organizations.
Just a thought.
I doubt it would work.Dope crops are bred and cultivated like other crops,
There is plenty of escaped rope hemp that will only give the determined
toker a headache yet, through modern cross breeding, pot gets tastier and
tastier. Also, FYI, before prohibition The USA was opium self-sufficient. If
you want to keep dope dollars out of the hands of freelance terrorists, make
drugs legal.