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Old 23-07-2006, 10:37 PM posted to
I Love Lucy I Love Lucy is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 27
Default Advice needed on odd problem - Need some kind of rustproof clips to grip about 3/8" steel rod tightly & neatly

What I have are six wrought iron candle stakes that I am going to use in
the yard near the front or side sidewalk where they will be very visible
for either tealights or little potted plants. I'm afraid somebody will
steal them (neighbor got some of his garden stuff stolen a couple weeks

I've been kicking around what to do for some time now while I worked to
clean them up, prime them and paint with rustoleum. I thought at first
to anchor them in concrete in a brick? Anchor them in concrete in a
cutoff pepsi bottle as a form? Etc. Then bury or "plant" them.

Now I have decided the easiest thing would be to cut the top off a pepsi
bottle part way, leaving about 6-8 inches (not sure about exact amount),
and drill? a hole in the bottom, stick the stake end through the hole,
clip it with something that can be removed but not while it's
underground, under the bottle, and bury that. Those bottoms are tough
and I can't cut into the bottom with my exacto knife.

What I need is some kind of clip that will grip underneath so if
somebody tries to pull them up, they will meet with resistance from the
weight of the dirt that will be filling the pepsi bottle. If I don't
clip them, the stake will just pull out of the hole in the bottle and

With the latter method, I don't have to ruin my stakes by anchoring them
in concrete or something permanent. It will be a nuisance if I want to
move them or bring them in for the winter, but if it's not one thing,
it's another.

Maybe somebody has a better idea with pvc pipe or something I wouldn't
think of. Somebody suggested on another forum that I link them all
together with chains and bury all that, but that would be really
difficult for me, first the securing part of the chains and secondly
burying all that mess.