help me find these
Chas Hurst wrote:
"RB" wrote in message
I'm looking a simple, maybe 2' long retracted, 4' long extended, light
duty screw jack.
If anyone knows where I can find a gizmo like that, please let me know. I
want to put a swivel foot on each end and use it for a knee brace on a
fence post.
Make one from a piece of pipe and a length of threaded rod. Weld a nut on an
end of the pipe.
home made stuff is great.
sad watching another spend to much money on what could be so
easily made out of a few scrap parts from the scrap parts pile.
did you know most neighborhoods have rules against having a
scrap parts pile? yep, upsets those who are unable to visualize
a future use for a piece of scraped out metal. they call'em
eye sores and that's their reasoning for not allowing neighborhood
dwellers with visionary expertise to retain and maintain a scrap
pile. all about, if 'I' can not do it then 'I' want to prohibit
you from being able to do it.