Thread: Black butterfly
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Old 07-07-2006, 10:26 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default Black butterfly

Malcolm wrote:
In article , Pam Moore
On 6 Jul 2006 06:37:39 -0700,

To be honest, I'm not certain if it's a moth or butterfly. I've only
seen it in broad daylight and it seems to be "built" like a butterfly.

Moths settle with their wings spread, butterflies close their wings on
settling. It would also help to know what plants you saw it on or

Sadly, that's not quite a 100% guide as a few moths settle with their
wings spread just as a few butterflies close their wings on settling.

If you can persuade one to sit still long enough to check, then all
butterflies have antennae with club-shaped endings, while no moth does.
Though I admit that isn't all that helpful!


Unfortunately, the only way I can think of to make the little bugger
settle, is liable to render it's antennae (and the rest of it for that
matter) unrecognisable.