lavatera arborea in a container - drooping, drooping drooping
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04-07-2006, 07:53 PM posted to rec.gardens
David E. Ross
Posts: n/a
lavatera arborea in a container - drooping, drooping drooping
I have a beautiful lavatera plant (which I think is of the
arborea(tum?) variety. It is currently planted in a half wine barrel.
While it is growing and flowering, I have to water it every day because
by the end of hte afternoon, it is visibly drooping. Does anyone have
any advice about this? Perhaps it simply can't be in a container? Any
thoughts? Thankyou.
The foliage is outgrowing the ability of constrained roots to supply
moisture. If you wish to keep it in a container, you must trim the
plant. Alternatively, replant in a larger container.
Also, consider replanting with a potting mix that is more amenable to
supplying moisture to roots even as the mix starts to become dry. See
my for a
do-it-yourself recipe.
David E. Ross
Climate: California Mediterranean
Sunset Zone: 21 -- interior Santa Monica Mountains with some ocean
influence (USDA 10a, very close to Sunset Zone 19)
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