Birch Tree Dropping Leaves??
In article , FLHTPI
I have an unusual species of birch in my front yard, a Red River
Heritage Birch. The bark is sort of a light orange, and looks like
it's always peeling.
Anyway, I notice that I seem to have a lot of yellow leaves falling of
for this time of year. The tree is by no means going bare, but there
are always leaves dropping.
I recently sprayed as much of it as I could with Isotox, thinking I
may have Birch Tree Miners, but could only reach the bottom two-
thirds, (the tree is forty feet high).
I've noticed lots of other birch trees, mostly regular white clump
birches, also with lots of yellow leaves on the ground, so I'm not too
I was just wondering if anyone has any insight into this. Is this a
common thing with birches?? I've had this tree since it was a
sapling, but this "leave thing" seems to have started over the past
few summers.
Any helpful input is appreciated.
Birch trees need a LOT of water. In this area (western Canada) the
residential birch trees are dead or dying, as homeowners failed to
water them during the recent years of drought.