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Old 18-03-2003, 03:08 PM
John T. Jarrett
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] Training pot size

Driving around more affluent neighborhoods on trash day in spring...can get
one or two or three in every rich neighborhood every week.

And all the 1 gallons you could ever use.

That's my secret.


John T. Jarrett

"Jim Lewis" wrote in message

Looking at the pots on the page below:

I'm thinking of taking their 20 quart pot - 12" diameter x

11.25" deep - and
cutting it down halfway leaving it about 5-6" deep. Is this

too shallow for
trunk development?

The pot would probably be 8-9 inches diameter at that point.
Whether that's OK depends on the size of the tree you want to
work on. You certainly would NOT put a 3-4-inch trunk into this
pot, but a one incher would find it large enough, I'm sure.

20 quarts=5 gallon. Where can I buy the 10-15-20 gallon pots

you mentioned

1. Go to a nursery that sells large landscape trees. Ask. Home
Depot and its ilk won't have these.

2. Do a web search for "nursery pot" (or similar terms).

3. Buy a big tree (or follow someone else who has bought one.
After they plant it, they have this pot they need to get rid of).

Jim Lewis - - Tallahassee, FL - Our life is
frittered away by detail . . . . Simplify! Simplify. -- Henry
David Thoreau - Walden

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