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Old 01-07-2006, 07:40 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default Another plant id please

"fenwoman" wrote
It can leave a nasty burn on the skin if you get the sap on you and don't
wash it off right away.

I don't seem to react to it at, but found this at

As so often Mrs. Grieve has some interesting information for us on this
plant, including The use of Spurge Laurel by beggars to produce sores:
"Has a milky juice of an acrid nature. Its seeds yield an abundance of fine
clear oil called oil of Euphorbia; this is obtained by expression or by the
action of alcohol or ether, and is colourless, inodorous, and almost
insipid; it rapidly becomes rancid, and acquires a dangerous acrimony. The
oil is a very violent poison, producing violent purgation and having an
irritating effect upon the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal, and
especially on the larger intestines; the oil resembles croton oil. In doses
of 5 drops it is said to be less acrid and irritating than croton oil; it
must be recently extracted. The seeds to the number of twelve or fifteen
are used by country people in France as a purgative.
The root of the plant is equally purgative and emetic; the leaves are
vesicant and are used by beggars to produce ulcers by which to excite pity;
the juice is depilatory; the seeds contain aesculin in the free state."
