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Old 18-03-2003, 12:44 PM
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Default Horse or Cattle manure???

(Frogleg) expounded:

Something about a cow's stomach(s), or perhaps its culinary
preferences, makes cow manure less weedy than horse. Both benefit from
composting or aging. Choose old over fresh. And don't step...

Cows ruminate, meaning they grind up their food, that's what they're
doing when they're 'chewing their cud'.

Rabbit can be used right from the bunny, as can sheep doo and (from
what Pam says) llama.

Chicken should be well composted, as it is very high in nitrogen and
will burn if used fresh.

Horse is fine provided you don't mind pulling many, many weeds if it
isn't well composted (high heat to kill the weed seeds).

Ann, Gardening in zone 6a
Just south of Boston, MA