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Old 23-06-2006, 08:21 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Des Higgins
Posts: n/a
Default Homemade Compost full of woodlice: ok 2 use in pots?

"" wrote in message

"Nick Maclaren" wrote in message

In article ,
"" writes:
| Woodlice generally eat dead leaves and plant material in the soil,
| shouldn't
| do any harm but an easy way to get rid of them is to spread out the
| compost
| and leave it dry out / get warmed by the sun. The woodlice will

| Paul D.
| and they (along with other beetles) also apparently help move

| bacteria around compost piles. Very beneficial around compost.

Obligatory pedantry: they aren't beetles; they aren't even insects in
the modern sense; they are crustaceans.

thank you for your pedantic correction of my honest naivety. I was
searching for the term arthropods.

Good man; let us know when you find it.

