Bob Hobden wrote:
"NC" wrote
I have some early onward peas that are about ready for harvest. There are
about 20 plants, each with a good quantity of pods. 2 questions:
1. If I start picking these, will more flowers/pods appear ? Or is it a
one-stop harvest ?
2. Can these peas be frozen straight from the pod, or do I need to
cook/eat them straight away ? I'll have loads!
1. No, it's a one stop harvest. Be careful how you pick them, use two hands,
or you can damage the plants.
2. Yes, pod them and put them in freezer bags in the quantity you use for
one meal (6/7oz for two ?), squeeze out all the air and freeze. No need to
Really, no need ?? Everything that google came back with said blanch
It's normal to make a 6 inch wide drill and plant three rows in that about 2
inches apart each way so you get a lot more than 20 plants per row.
(provided the mice don't get to them!!!)
We sometimes grow a second crop of early peas (Early Onward, Feltham First)
late in the season, planted about now, but they need plenty of water to keep
them growing through the heat and dryness of the summer.
We have given up with our tall main crop peas, it's just seems too hot and
dry here these days.
Of course timings depend where you are in the UK, and so does the dryness it
seems. :-(
This is my first year with a garden - and I'm learning all the main lesson so far is that I dont need, or have room for, 5
potato plants !
Thanks for the reply.