Thread: Peas
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Old 21-06-2006, 04:38 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
La Puce
Posts: n/a
Default Peas

NC wrote:
I have some early onward peas that are about ready for harvest. There
are about 20 plants, each with a good quantity of pods. 2 questions:
1. If I start picking these, will more flowers/pods appear ? Or is it a
one-stop harvest ?
2. Can these peas be frozen straight from the pod, or do I need to
cook/eat them straight away ? I'll have loads!

Hiya NC. No, you won't get more flowers. You ought, next year, to plant
successive peas at about one week interval. I do this, and I get new
peas a week or two later after an initial harvest or harvests. Don't
freeze the peas with their pods. I've never seen nor heard of this
being done - but I freeze all my peas (off the pods) as I've got too
many to consume in one go. Some people blanch them first - boil them
quickly, cool then freeze. I freeze them directly then defrost and
cook. I also like them raw especially broadbeans and my problem is that
I consume vast quantities on the lotty and sometimes find I'm bringing
very little home )