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Old 19-06-2006, 10:30 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Rupert \(W.Yorkshire\)
Posts: n/a
Default Soapy water on garden

"Nick Maclaren" wrote in message

In article , Sacha
| On 18/6/06 12:16, in article , "KK"
| wrote:
| Thanks for this - but are 'earth-friendly' washing up liquids
available in
| Tesco?, and will 'ordinary' detergents do any harm.
| Yes, you can get Ecover washing up liquid - or we can down here,
| It's said not to contain any "chemicals of high concern". But the
amount of
| washing up liquid you use shouldn't harm your plants. However, some of
| are more likely to harm you because they leave a build up on utensils
| time. That's why you should always rinse plates, cups, glasses etc.
| washing them.

Yeah, well, what do you expect from the Grauniad? Actually, it's good by
Gnurdian standards, in that it is mostly not actually incorrect!

Soaps and detergents are THEMSELVES surfactants, and I don't think that
there is anything other than sodium laureth sulphate that is an active
ingredient in any washing-up liquid, shampoo or similar sold for
domestic use in the UK. I believe that is fully biodegradable. ALL of
the more harmful additions are scents, colours, and things to reduce
the oil-removing effects from skin (i.e. counteract the main purpose!)

Sodium carbonate is washing soda and sodium silicate is glass; both are
seriously harmful only if inhaled in powder form. The former DOES extract
oils from the skin, but is a relatively mild alkali, and is not of great
consequence, ecologically. The latter is as near as dammit biologically
and ecologically inert (and is NOT significantly alkaline). They will be
in dishwasher powders, but NOT in washing up liquid - there is nothing
that will accumulate in the latter.

My guess is that Ecover washing up liquid is just a bog-standard washing
up liquid, with fancy marketing.

And, yes, using the less flavoured shampoos, washing up liquids and even
carpet cleaners interchangeably is perfectly OK.

Nick Maclaren.

My guess is that the surfactant in Ecover is probably a soap and not sodium
lauryl sulphate, a detergent, but I too think the whole thing is a
Incidentally the local GUM clinic suggests using non perfumed and reduced
additive shower gels and bath liquids to counteract the incidence of thrush.
So now you know why..........:-)