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Old 19-06-2006, 03:48 PM posted to
Robert Reznikoff
Posts: n/a
Default Dead or Dormant Lawn

It was sodded around the first quarter of 2005. I put down a pesticide a
couple of weeks ago. You can't pick up the sod as it grew well until a
couple of months ago when noticed the browning of large parts of the lawn.
I ascribed it to a lack of water as it has been very dry here. I am now
watering three times a week with about 1/2 inch each time for the last two
weeks. I can't see any improvement yet. I would like to know if the brown
spots are dead down to the roots, or if the roots are still good and the
lawn will survive.

"Mike Robinson" wrote in message
When was it sodded? Also what time frame was between the sod being put

and any pesticides being applied.
How is the root system, can you pick up any sod?