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Old 19-06-2006, 05:05 AM posted to
Chas Hurst
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Default Update on lawnmower problem

"FDR" wrote in message
A few days ago I asked about a problem of stalling on my lawnmower and I
got some helpful responses that pointed to the carb. I checked for gas
flow, and it was fine. Dissassembled the carbeurator and saw rust inside
on the float hinges and the float bowl. Funny thing ws the float bowl
looked dry (no gas). I tried cleaning the rust out of the bowl, but the
hinges were impossible to rid of rust. I checked the float and in the down
position gas flowed and when raised it stopped, so it looked ok. I
reassembeled the float bowl, and checked that gas was flowing out the screw
hole at the bottom before tightening. Reassembled the mower and it would
still not work.

Where do I go now? What would be the next thing to check? Or is the
problem all in the carb?


Just went thru the same with my generator when the power went out recently.
The main jet was plugged. I don't know what your carb looks like but the gas
needs to get from the bowl into the throat of the carb. The holes that make
that happen are quite small. Be carefull not to make them bigger when you
clear them.