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Old 18-06-2006, 10:32 PM posted to
Kyle Boatright
Posts: n/a
Default Dead or Dormant Lawn

"Robert Reznikoff" wrote in message
I have a Bermuda lawn that was sodded a year ago. I live in Alabama and
large parts of the lawn are brown. I tried to conserve water and maybe I
overdid it. I have an irrigation system and have recently been putting
and inch a week for the last two weeks. However, I don't see the lawn
greening up. I used Scott's Turfbuilder a week ago. How can I tell if
lawn is dead or dormant? Should I keep watering an inch a week? Any

Your lawn isn't dormant. Bermuda should have been fully green a month or
more ago. It is always possible that your lawn has a disease (brown patch
comes to mind) Do you have a county extension agent you can call to look at
the lawn?

What kind of fertilization (if any) did you do late last fall (say September
or later)? Also, what kind of herbicides have you put down since last fall?