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Old 18-06-2006, 02:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default Soapy water on garden

On 18/6/06 12:16, in article , "KK"

Thanks for this - but are 'earth-friendly' washing up liquids available in
Tesco?, and will 'ordinary' detergents do any harm.

Yes, you can get Ecover washing up liquid - or we can down here, anyway!
It's said not to contain any "chemicals of high concern". But the amount of
washing up liquid you use shouldn't harm your plants. However, some of them
are more likely to harm you because they leave a build up on utensils over
time. That's why you should always rinse plates, cups, glasses etc. after
washing them.,00.html
South Devon
(email address on website)