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Old 13-06-2006, 04:34 AM posted to
I Love Lucy
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Default Edging revisited... true edger vs. attachment edger

"Timothy" wrote in message
Wheeled edger Vrs stick edger.
I own both. I use the wheeled edger for badly over-grown edges. After
edge has been 'found' again, I use the stick edger. Stick edgers are
easy to use compared to wheeled edgers and work very well for dirt
in a lawn area. These flower bed edges tend to have curves in them
are hard to do with a wheeled edger, while a stick edger gives you
more freedom and speed.

Wheeled edgers have lots more power but less moveability. Stick edgers
have less power but are more capable of detailed work.

That is a good link. Thank you for that.

What is a stick edger? I bought something you step on with a huge sharp
blade underneath. It works, but not as well as I thought it would. Is
that what you mean?

Years ago I bought a regular edger and never got the hang of it, was
always hitting the concrete and gouging. Maybe I will try that again as
I have a corner lot, too, and just quit bothering with edging, but it
sure would look better. The comments on this thread have been helpful.


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