rabbit manure; how good is it
Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
I am trying to nail-down the inverse or reverse relationship. As to why
plants need animals to reform nitrogen.
Plants lack the biochemical pathways for large scale protein
degradation. That is the specialty of saprophytes (e.g. fungi and
bacteria). Legumes are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen to usable
form by virtue of rhizobia bacteria in root nodules (it is the
bacteria which do the conversion). Plants can also use inorganic
(mineral) nitrate as a source of nitrogen. Higher animals are a
relatively minor source of nitrogen.
I believe there exists some inverse or reverse relationship between plants and
animals so that both can live on Earth and without the other, both would quickly
There is an important symbiosis between plants and animals, in that
plants use carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, and animals do the
Steve Turner
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