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Old 12-06-2006, 03:34 AM posted to
Srgnt Billko
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Default Perculiar lawn mower problem

"FDR" wrote in message

"fr0g" wrote in message

"FDR" wrote in message
I have a Sears lawn mower, rear drive, 6.5 Hp Briggs and Stratton engine
that is five years old. It didn't get much use when we got it in the

five years ago, and then the following years we had somebody mow our

it sat for four years. This spring I fired it up and it ran well until

last few times. The symptoms are this:

Takes several tries to get started. Prime the bulb and pull cord, will

for 5 seconds and stop. Repeat this five or so times until it stays

Then will run for 20 or so minutes and then run erratically and stall

stalling, the engine must be bulb primed to get started again. Will run

a minute and then stall again. Repeats this over and over until I give


Before I bring this in to get serviced, can I get an idea what might be
causing this.

Carburetion/ fuel system (from sitting)

Would that mean a nwe carb? What exactly would cause it to have problems
at startup and after running 20 minutes? I assume heat is an issue, but

I'm wondering if it's worth the repair bill.

Only you can answer this.

I'll have to research the price of a carb. I could probably do it myself.

I never met a carbuerator you couldn't clean. Some of my equipment is 30,
40 & 50 years old - and I've never bought a new carbureator. The closest I
came was a rebuilt carb on a 1940's Jeep.