Allotment Blog
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09-06-2006, 11:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sally Thompson
Posts: n/a
Allotment Blog
On Fri, 9 Jun 2006 22:35:02 +0100,
(in article ):
I found someone's allotment blog here a few weeks ago. Unfortunately
I have had to re-install Windows so have lost the URL. I've looked at
recent posts but just can't find it.
I can remember:
There were a number of photos of the allotment (it may have actually
been two plots together)
It was part of an allotment web-page circle.
The "owner" had just put up some very strong supports for his/her
runner beans - not just canes - looked by 1x1 timber
He/she had already transplanted some broad beans which looked really
He/she had some photos of lettuces set out in a pattern of different
coloured leaves.
The sweet-peas looked really healthy.
I would be interested in a pointer to the web-page.
Did you mean the one by Steve? He signs himself Plotty:
Sally in Shropshire, UK
Whitton Open Gardens weekend 1st & 2nd July; enjoy the conservation
churchyard recently filmed for the BBC Heaven and Earth Show and see the
Burne-Jones/William Morris window:
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