On Fri, 09 Jun 2006 00:48:47 GMT, (Koi-Lo) wrote:
well what do yu expect for a stagnant mudhole you call a pond and
living where yu do and habving such an invasive speices as such in it.
Go ahead Galen listen to CArol Gulley and her sock puppets, who have
no experieince with natural ponds at all but lead you and others down
the blind winding road. You deserve all the algae and duckweed
infestations that happens too you. There is just certain thngs yu can
do in a liner type pond that is not good to do in a natural pond and
there is thngs that neds to be done in a natural pond that does not
apply to a liner pond.
Oh and so much for your so called water table that never fluctuates,
huh, is it ankle deep yet! You were told now suffer jerk!
I didn't say my water table doesn't fluctuate (they all fluctuate), I said
that if you dig a hole and it fills up with water, your hole is below the
local water table. If you have to fill it with water, your hole is above
the local water table. My hole (pond) fills up with water without any
rain, just through the ground. And no, the water in the pond is not ankle
deep, we haven't had any rain to speak of the past three months, and there
is a lot less water in the pond, but it is hardly ankle deep. Unless your
ankles are a good three feet or more off the ground.
Oh, and I read and listen to lots of stuff, even you. Listening to you is
one of the reasons I have an aerator in the pond, and discarded ideas about
running a filter and stuff. But I thought I so disgusted you that you put
me in your killfile, or is that only when you are Roy?
Galen Hekhuis NpD, JFR, GWA
Hell hath no fury like a bird in the hand.