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Old 09-06-2006, 02:22 AM posted to rec.ponds
G Pearce
Posts: n/a
Default Goldfish and Duckweed

If the duckweed is of the smooth, shiny, flat variety, then yes, the gold
fish/koi will devour it - if it has ruffled, raised edges, they won't - when
I toss the the first variety into my pond, it is gone in a day - your
goldfish might be eating it and you don't realize it as I looked at your
photos and it is quite large with a LOT of duckweed - in answer to your
other question, no, I don't have a natural pond, mine is lined with EPDM,
but that shouldn't make a difference, IMO
Gale :~)

I presume there is still some expertise here in spite of the garbage so
I would like to expand on the duckweed thing.

If it were not that several people here and elsewhere have said
goldfish eat duckweed, I would have written it off as nonsense.

I bought 16 feeders yesterday and have spent a good deal of time
studying their behavior and conclude that I have indeed been snookered.

On the rare occasion that one came to the surface, it simply looked
around and sounded again.

It is hard to believe that 1600 or even 16,000 would have the slightest
impact on the duckweed populaton.

Does anyone have any experience in this regard with a real (natural)



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