Thread: bio filters
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Old 08-06-2006, 09:11 PM posted to rec.ponds
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Default bio filters

Please take a nuamber if you already have not taken one. Our resident
lunatic Carol Gulley aka Koi Lo will be with you shortly just as soon
as she does a quick web check to gather up and copy paste and modify
theinfo to make it look like she wrote it, all the info your
requesting so you all think she is so smart........however take what
ever info she may lay on you with a grain of salt, and hopefully some
one like Roy or Jan will get finished with whatever they are doing in
the real world of ponds and answer your post....Whatever you do , just
do not second guess her and ask her why she said what she may have
said or else it may cause her to bo off the rocker, and it just takes
so miuch to get her to chill out once her panties get all wadded
up......The maina thing is just agree and say yes, and then go on a
decent webased forum like or and ask this
question, see some good illustrations and pics instread of trying to
visulaize what someone is saying and have faith in what is told to you
in those web based forums, instead of a washe dup and trashed ponding
forum on the usenet in the midst of a jihad created by CArol Gulley
aka Koi Lo.

The toew top names in pond and fish forums on the web!

This message brought to you by the Koi Lo puppet BOT

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006 11:36:18 -0700, (Barbe Fields)
We are lokig for a bio filter above ground to use in our outdoor
pond------no plants-no fish, just a tropical water scene. Can someone
advise? TIA Barbe