Thread: New to ponds
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Old 08-06-2006, 01:04 AM posted to rec.ponds
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Default New to ponds

"Koi-Lo" aka ROY wrote in message

Save your momneyb and get a decent filter such as a POndmaster kit or
BIo force. ALgae is a big problem in smaller ponds as such and a
filter capable of picking it o=up is needed, and those filter kits
sold in big box stores are not the ticket. They are minimum by any
means in terms of even filtration no matter what the box label
says.......especially a beckett.
Get a Danner MAg Drive Pondmaster. A Mag7 ot 9 will do it, no need to
go to 2 on such a small preform, unless yu go to a 12 and use it as a
sole pump, but its still may overkill in a 165 gal preform. With 18
inches of depth, and twop feet high water fall, your ball park to a
lift of 3 1/2 feet already and its gonna cut down on pump performance
big time with that becket or anyt other smaller pump even if its just
used for water fall alone.

On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:16:50 GMT, "Steve" wrote:
Well I have been reading for a few weeks and finally decided to do a

I will probably just put a few small goldfish in it nothing big. It

will be
a preformed one from HD 165 gallons and 18" deep. I will bring in the
goldfish in the winter to an aquarium ( i have 4 of them).

My questions is : I will be getting a pump and filter combo (Beckett

Pond Filter Kit Model 7040210). Will I be able to run a waterfall

that is 2
ft high and about 3 feet away from where the pump will be located? I
noticed that it has a valve for other water features on it so that is

what I
was going to hook up to it. I will use the fountain attachement also.

Thanks in advance. It is all confusing to me. I am jsut not wanting

spend money on two pumps if not needed.
