Thread: New to ponds
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Old 07-06-2006, 02:37 PM posted to rec.ponds
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Default New to ponds

Yes and no. I fyu want to have a water fall, that is gong to gtake a
lot of water to make it look decent. Water falls are huge consumers of
water......., but you could still T off the discharge line to the
water fall and route to to a fountain or spitter and possible
depending on how much flow yur satisfied with on a waterfall/ cascade,
could possibly power a fountain etc at the same time.

Unfortunately diverter valves for pond use are kind of pricey for what
you get, and they are cheaply made. However yu can get a ball valve
in the plubming section of big box stores, and a few PVC fittings and
tuibe yu can reaily make a simple "manifold" for about 25% of the cost
of a typcial diverter valve. It could do additional usefull things
like adding the capbility to pump the water out of the pond by simnply
turning a valve handle which makes water changes easier.........With a
typical diverter your nailed to usuaing their components for the most
part. Feed it all with the max size flex tube for max flow from
pump to filter for best results no matter what pump / filteryou use,
and to repeat, box filters (pump enclosed n plastic box with filter
media) just plain suck!

On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 23:48:52 GMT, "Steve" wrote:
So would I just have to get some sort of diveter so it can run 2 differant

Sorry so many questions. I am learning still.

"~Roy" wrote in message

No, if yuy go with a Cyprio Titan pump of say 800 gph its made to
power a pressure filter like the Cyprio Bio Force, and then feed a
water fall .....Commn box filters just plain suck at removing any
algae or really doing the job, and who want to be messing around in a
pond to clean it. External pressure buried so only the top is visible
is a piece of cake to maintain. At the price your just a bit higher
than what big box stores charge for a typical box filter and cleap

On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 20:38:03 GMT, "Steve" wrote:
So basically no matter what pumps I chose to use I should probably just
one pump and filter set up and one waterfall pump. Correct?

"Go Fig" wrote in message
.. .
In article , Steve

Well I have been reading for a few weeks and finally decided to do a
I will probably just put a few small goldfish in it nothing big. It
a preformed one from HD 165 gallons and 18" deep. I will bring in
goldfish in the winter to an aquarium ( i have 4 of them).

My questions is : I will be getting a pump and filter combo
Pond Filter Kit Model 7040210). Will I be able to run a waterfall
is 2
ft high and about 3 feet away from where the pump will be located?

It is very doubtful that this matched pump will run this proposed
waterfall with more than a small trickle (perhaps the desirable
effect)... consider using a 2nd pump to run the waterfall... a
Pondmaster #12 might be a good choice w/ 1" tubing for a strong flow/

Have you looked at the Pondmaster filter w/ a skimmer ?

Good Luck!

Mon Jun 05, 2006

noticed that it has a valve for other water features on it so that
what I
was going to hook up to it. I will use the fountain attachement

Thanks in advance. It is all confusing to me. I am jsut not
wanting to
spend money on two pumps if not needed.
