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Old 04-06-2006, 11:42 AM posted to rec.gardens
Kay Lancaster
Posts: n/a
Default what's almost like a cinnamon fern?

On Sat, 03 Jun 2006 22:21:32 -0400, Jim Shaffer wrote:
I bought three semi-dormant cinnamon ferns on eBay a while ago, and
now that they're well-unfolded one of them seems to be something else.
It looks almost like a cinnamon fern except the individual leaflets
(if that's the correct term) are smoother and some of the fronds have
spore-forming bodies on them. I've heard the ostrich fern compared to

Osmunda cinnamomea, cinnamon fern, has separate fertile and sterile fronds.
The two don't look at all alike. What I think you're describing is
sori (clusters of sporangia) dotted on the underside of the frond?

At any rate, cinnamon fern should look like this:

Is that even close to what you have? Can you post a photo to a web page
and give us the URL?