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Old 03-06-2006, 04:57 PM posted to
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Default How do you get rid of 5-leaf ivy and some other stuff?

I Love Lucy wrote:
I read the crabgrass tip with vinegar, will try that; this is a helpful
group as I have had that problem ever since I lived here for over 30
years, was just out digging some up trying to get as much root as
possible because I didn't dig out enough when I planted a new flowerbed
in front of the house. I did purchase some of that black landscape
stuff, but will need help getting it installed, but it should help some,
but I doubt it will stop all of it..

Over the years, we have these two kinds of climbing horrors (I guess
they're pretty if you want them). One I'm sure if 5-leaf ivy, the stuff
people used to grow up their chimneys in the midwest anyway. The other
kind, I don't know the name of, but I'm pretty sure it isn't poison ivy,
looks like wild grape a little but no fruit. The stuff will grow over
your whole house and garage if you let it.

If it is important, I can take a photo of some somewhere around here,
got most of mine off the house (off but still popping up ready to go as
soon as I turn my back on it, but in the lawn), seems to like partial
shade, doesn't grow at all or very little in the full sun.

I pull and pull the stuff and sometimes get a big chunk of root, a foot
if I'm lucky but it just shoots up somewhere else. With so many of the
neighbors having this problem which has now worsened in my yard, does
anyone know the best way or any way to either get rid of the stuff or
keep it at bay better than pulling all the time. I swear it must spread
those underground root systems they develop from a quite a ways away.

I believe poison oak has five leaves. Google it.