Chipper/Shredder buying advice
On 22 May 2006 02:01:58 GMT, Mac Cool wrote:
I've could really use a chipper/shredder. Something to handle up to 1.5-2
inch material. Recommendations?
I had the chance to use a Kemp unit some years ago - we had brush
down all over the place due to an ice storm - it tore the stuff up.
Very nice unit - also a very $pendy unit.
I've now got a Craftsman (MTD) that I bought from a co-worker. 5hp
Briggs. Starts and runs well, shreds leaves etc like a demon (best
when dry), but as a chipper, its got a long way to go (1st use as a
chipper yesterday).
Had some dry box elder and ash. It did a number on the stuff up to
about a 3/4". Once it was bigger than that, especially w/ the ash,
it had to work. Found that if I rotated the branches in the chipping
shoot, so the material was changing angles in relation to the chipper
blade it worked the best.
If I was to do it over, and had the cash - it would be a Kemp -
err..... assuming I could find one - I just DAGS "Kemp Chipper
Shredder" and it looks like they are out of business - that or they
don't have a web presence. You might be able to find something in
the used market. There is one listed in Ebay at this time - Chicago
are - and no - its not mine....