small engine repair
I've now given up. I found the right rebuild kit and replaced all the
internal parts I could, but the darn thing still is getting too much gas. I
think that's what is happening because all day there is a puddle under the
thing even though I haven't touched it for hours. I screwed the high and low
idle adjustments all the way in and watched the piston through where the air
cleaner goes and you can still see excess gas entering the cylinder. Where's
all the gas coming from?
"Mark Corbelli" corbellicrewatcomcastdotnet wrote in message
"Artemis" wrote in message
Mark Corbelli wrote:
company was bought out by Ryobi since then?
Ryobi did not buy out IDC. IDC or Inertia Dynamics makes the engine only
and they sell them to many trimmer mfgs like Ryobi.
Any half decent small engine shop will be able to supply you parts. The
carb is most likely made by Walbro.