On Wed, 31 May 2006 12:19:17 +0100, Rupert \(W.Yorkshire\) wrote
(in article ):
"La Puce" wrote in message
Rupert (W.Yorkshire) wrote:
441 Coarse veined leaf =Lamium (dead nettle)
White flower looks like a forget-me-not (a white one)
446 = Not telling you yet
471=Sedum Autumn spectabile/Joy
373 =Syringia =Lilac
Where did you get those numbers from!?!? 453 Acanthus off course!! Not
sure about the Hellebore though ... and I'm not sure about your number
so I don't know what you are referring to ))
The numbers are the last 3 digits of the URL--I think.
Flowers are Hellebore-perhaps leaves belong to something else but they too
look ok to me. It's probably H. foetidus or similar
Yes, I'm sure that's right.
Are you going to tell us what the big tall thingy is? :-)
Hint:-It is not an Aquilegia
Thalictrum flavium glauca.
South Devon
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