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Old 31-05-2006, 06:34 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default Plant IDs please - worrisit ?

"Des Higgins" wrote in message

"Rupert (W.Yorkshire)" wrote in message

"La Puce" wrote in message

Rupert (W.Yorkshire) wrote:
441 Coarse veined leaf =Lamium (dead nettle)
White flower looks like a forget-me-not (a white one)
446 = Not telling you yet
471=Sedum Autumn spectabile/Joy
373 =Syringia =Lilac

Where did you get those numbers from!?!? 453 Acanthus off course!! Not
sure about the Hellebore though ... and I'm not sure about your number
so I don't know what you are referring to ))

The numbers are the last 3 digits of the URL--I think.
Flowers are Hellebore-perhaps leaves belong to something else but they
too look ok to me. It's probably H. foetidus or similar

I actually did not see the flowers at first and did not recognise the
leaves but when you said Hellebore I plumped for that. Some of them have
very narrow leaves/leaflets. I looked at the photo again and sure enough
there are a load of pale Hellebore flowers so "well spotted that man" etc.

Thanks. I can confirm after all the replies that it does indeed appear to be
Hellebore foetidus - aka Bear's Paw or Stinking Hellebore. I suppose the
reason I never thought it flowered was that the flowers were green......

Are you going to tell us what the big tall thingy is? :-)
Hint:-It is not an Aquilegia

Anyone ?